Multi agency public protection arrangements, MAPPA, is not a statutory body but a mechanism for agencies to better discharge their statutory responsibilities. Protecting the public in a coordinated way. The police, probation and prison services work together to manage serious and violent offenders. This includes offenders considered to pose a risk, or potential risk of harm to children.
Various agencies providing services to offenders have a duty to co-operate with the responsible authority. These agencies include:
- health,
- housing,
- Children's Social Care,
- education,
- youth offending teams,
- jobcentre,
- electronic monitoring providers
The Strategic Management Board includes;
- police,
- probation,
- prison,
- representatives from many agencies with a "duty to cooperate",
- lay advisors.
The responsible authority discharges the duties and obligations through the board.
Within Gateshead the strategic management board meets quarterly to:
- oversee the work of the MAPPA and manage performance
- review and monitor the effectiveness of arrangements
- receive referrals on managed individual offenders that commit serious violent or sexual offences while
- ensure independent review of management of risks and determine whether local strategic reviews form part of statutory review
- determine any necessary revision to arrangements
- act as final arbiter where local MAPPA fails to agree on issues about offenders who are subject to management in the community
Find out more about MAPPA. (opens new window)