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Contact us

If you have a general enquiry about the work of the Gateshead Safeguarding Adults Board or the Gateshead Safeguarding Childrens Partnership please get in touch.  Please be aware that we are not an operational frontline service.

The contact us form should only be used for general enquiries regarding the Board and the Partnership. 

The Safeguarding Business Unit
First Floor
Civic Centre
Regent Street

Catherine Hardman
Safeguarding Adults Business Manager

Anna Harrison
Safeguarding Children's Business Manager

Zoe McTurk
Safeguarding Business Unit Support Assistant

If you have concerns about a specific child or young person please report it. Visit Report concerns about a child or call 0191 433 2653.

If you have concerns about an adult with care and support needs, please report it. Visit Report concerns about an adult, call 0191 433 7033 or see Adult Social Care Direct.

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