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Private fostering

About private fostering
Examples of private fostering arrangements
Raising awareness of private fostering in workplaces and schools
Report private fostering arrangements
Contact us

About private fostering

Private fostering is not the same as fostering. It is very different from the care of children by the local authority through approved foster carers.

Many privately fostered children experience feelings of loneliness, confusion and anxiety. These feelings are commonly associated with being separated from their birth families. 

If we aren't informed of private fostering arrangements the private foster carer and the young person will not be able to access the support that is available to them.

The legislation about private fostering arrangements is within the Children's Act 1989 (opens new window). The legal definition of private fostering arrangements is an arrangement that occurs when a child who is under 16 (if disabled, under 18) is cared for by someone other than their parent or a close relative, with the intention that it should last for 28 consecutive days or more. 

Private foster carers are not approved as local authority foster carers and usually have had no training to become carers. Families find private foster carers themselves, and it is their responsibility to find carers that are suitable.

The definition of a close relative is:

  • step-parents
  • grandparents
  • brothers or sisters
  • uncles or aunts (whether of full blood, half blood or marriage/affinity)

Examples of private fostering arrangements

Each private fostering arrangement will be different, depending on the child's circumstances and needs. Examples of private fostering arrangements may include:

  • a teenager living with friend's family because they don't get on with their own family
  • children living with a friend's family because their parents study or work unsociable hours, which makes it difficult to use ordinary day care or after-school care
  • children staying with another family because their parents have separated or divorced
  • a child from overseas staying with a host family while attending a language school, or overseas students at boarding school who stay with a host family during the holidays

Private fostering could be in place if:

  • the child has mentioned that they are not staying at their usual home or their parents are away for a long time
  • the carer seems vague about the child's routines. For example bedtimes, their health history, development checks and immunisation record
  • the school has been informed of a change of address for the child
  • someone else is collecting the child from school

Raising awareness of private fostering

It's important to raise awareness of private fostering in workplaces and schools:

  • make sure everyone is familiar with and understands the term and understands their responsibilities regarding safeguarding
  • when a child is being registered at a GP practice or school ask them what their relationship is to the carer. Remember 'aunty' can be used as a colloquial term and may not mean blood relative
  • if you think you have identified a private fostering arrangement speak to the families who might be involved and ask the private foster carer and parent (or person with parental responsibility, if details known) to notify us
  • let the private foster carer and parent (or person with parental responsibility, if details known) know that you will also need to inform us
  • ensure school admission policy and practice is robust and that evidence of a child's identity and the person with parental responsibility or relationship are seen


Report private fostering arrangements

Professionals must ensure the local authority knows about private fostering arrangements. You must refer the case to Childrens Social Care by contacting our Referral and Assessment Team on 0191 433 2653.

The law places a duty on the parents of the child (or those with parental responsibility) and the 'foster carers' to notify the local authority. This should be done as soon as the arrangement has been made.

Sometimes a placement is unplanned. In such cases, we should be notified as soon as it becomes clear that the placement is likely to extend to 28 days or more.

Families are not always aware of the need to notify us. This is why it is important that we have the help of professionals with this.

Once notified the local authority have a duty to contact the child, carers and parents. They will carry out checks and enquiries to make sure that the carers are suitable as private foster carers.

The assessment will include:

  • visiting the proposed premises where the child/young person will be living
  • speaking to all members of the household
  • visiting the child/young person concerned
  • making arrangements to support the child and placement. We have a duty to investigate and support private fostering arrangements


Private Fostering - information and flowchart (PDF, 133 KB)
Private Fostering - Poster (PDF, 280 KB)

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Gateshead Safeguarding Children Partnership
Ground floor
Civic Centre

07395 361 053


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