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Communication and engagement strategy

The Safeguarding Adults Board has produced a Communication and Engagement Strategy 2020 (PDF, 209 KB)

The aims of the Communication and Engagement Strategy are two fold:

  • We want to improve and strengthen how we communicate and engage with service users, staff, stakeholders and the wider public to raise awareness and promote key messages about safeguarding adults in Gateshead
  • We want to build community resilience so that our residents are better equipped to keep themselves safe from harm

The strategy provides information about who we want to communicate and engage with, what our key communication messages are, how we will communicate and engage and a clear protocol for working with the media.

It is important to prioritise our key messages to maximise impact.

Our primary key message is the nationally recognised strapline for Safeguarding Adults: 'Safeguarding is everyone's business'

Contact us

Gateshead Local Safeguarding Adults Board
First Floor
Civic Centre

Contact us

Please note that this is for further information about the Safeguarding Adults Board only. If you are concerned that someone is at risk of, or experiencing, abuse or neglect please contact Adult Social Care

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