Effective Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups
Course details
Aim: To improve levels of understanding for staff involved in the process of Child Protection Conferences and Core Group Meetings, and to reinforce standards of good practice.
Date: Monday 9 June 2025 and Monday 15 September 2025
Time: 9.30am - 3.30pm
Venue: Gateshead Council's Learning Centre
Facilitator: Heather Jenkins - Service Lead (IRO)
Learning objectives:
- to develop greater confidence and knowledge of your role in the Child Protection Conference Process and Core Groups
- to gain the opportunities to discuss and share ideas
- explore opportunities to ask questions and challenge
- identify opportunities to practice
- describe the respective roles and responsibility in the process
- grounding ourselves in shared values
Suitable for:
- Intercollegiate Framework: level 3 people identified in Groups 3 - 5
- people who, as part of their work, are expected to participate in conferences on a regular or occasional basis