Children's Services celebrate 'good' Ofsted rating

His Majesty's Inspectors reviewed Gateshead's children's social services just before Christmas and have now judged the council to be "good" across all areas.
They reviewed how children and young people experience the help, protection and care given to them by teams in Children's Services and what council leaders do to make these services better.
All five areas were judged to be "good." In the report, inspectors said:
"Since the last inspection, in 2019, children in Gateshead continue to receive good services. Leaders have maintained and, in some areas, improved practice."
"The leadership of the council and the corporate executive in the local authority recognise the needs of children and have prioritised these through the investment of resources, ambition, and commitment. There is strong corporate and political support, with political oversight through scrutiny as a priority. They are well informed, offer challenge and have sustained good service delivery."
"Council leaders ensure that the children and families of Gateshead are at the heart of everything they do."
Read the press release from Gateshead Council
Read the full Ofsted report (opens new window)
Well done to all our colleagues in Children's Services!