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Second National SAR Analysis

Second National SAR Analysis

The second national analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) in England was undertaken in 2023 covering SARs completed between April 2019 and March 2023, which also covered the Covid 19 pandemic.  Final reports and an executive summary were published and are all available to view on the LGA website. 

The purpose of the analysis was to identify priorities for sector-led improvement as a result of learning from SARs, there are a total of 31 recommendations and the Gateshead SAB will be considering how it responds to these recommendations and gathers and monitors assurance that actions have been taken to address the recommendations. 

Second National SAR Analysis Presentation (PDF) [403KB]

The links for the reports are below:

Second National SAR Analysis - Executive Summary

Final report: Stage 1 analysis - Case characteristics; nature of the abuse

Final report: Stage 2 - Analysis of Learning

Final report: Stage 3 - Conclusion and Improvement Priorities

Alex Ruck Keene - Mental Capacity Law and Policy, held an 'in conversation' with, Professor Michael Preston-Shoot about the second national analysis of safeguarding adults reviews which he led with Professor Suzy Braye.  In the 'in conversation' Alex talks to Michael about the background and context, and he draws out some of the key themes.

Safeguarding Adults Reviews - themes and implications from a national analysis: in discussion with Professor Michael Preston-Shoot

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