Strategic plan and annual reports
The Care Act 2014 stipulates that Safeguarding Adult Boards must publish a strategic plan and annual report:
Gateshead SAB Strategic Plan 2024 - 2027
The Safeguarding Adults Board Strategic Plan 2024-2027 was approved by the Board in February 2024. The Strategic Plan contains five strategic priorities which were identified through a multi-agency development session which took place in September 2023. The plan details the objectives and initiatives which will ensure the board can meet its identified goals under each priority area:
- Strengthening Safeguarding - The Gateshead SAB will support strengthening safeguarding practice across the partnership and ensuring resources are available to support practitioners in their day to day safeguarding activities and that good practice is evidenced and practitioners can develop their knowledge and skills in this area.
- Learning and Development - The Gateshead SAB will provide a multi-agency learning and development offer to promote a culture of continuous learning to ensure we have a workforce which is knowledgeable and confident in safeguarding adults.
- Data and Information - The Gateshead SAB will ensure there is a comprehensive dataset and dashboard which includes data from partners. Themes and trends are identified
through the data presented and the board will take steps to address these. - Prevention of Harm - The Gateshead SAB recognises the need to prevent harm from occurring rather than responding once the harm has occurred.
- Involvement and Engagement - The Gateshead SAB recognises the importance of working with statutory and non-statutory partners to ensure we have robust systems in place to adequately represent the people who are involved in operational and statutory safeguarding.
Actions and outcomes will be monitored through the board and the plan will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Gateshead SAB Strategic Plan 2024-2027 (PDF, 286 KB)(opens new window)
Gateshead SAB Strategic Priorities 2024-27 (Poster) (PDF, 26 KB)
Annual Report
The 2023/24 Gateshead Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report contains information on the activities of the Board, it's statutory partners and other members of the board. The report is linked to the priorities within our strategic plan and also provides details of training and safeguarding adult reviews.
View the 2023/24 annual report
Gateshead SAB Annual Report 2023/24 (PDF, 3 MB)
Gateshead Local Safeguarding Adults Board Please note that this is for further information about the Safeguarding Adults Board only. If you are concerned that someone is at risk of, or experiencing, abuse or neglect please contact Adult Social CareContact us
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