The Children Act 2004 (opens new window) provided the legislative framework for the original Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPs) which were established in North and South of Tyne in 2008 and which were supported by well-established local child death review arrangements and reporting arrangements into the Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs). However, new legislation, the Children and Social Work Act 2017 (opens new window) has resulted in amendments to the Children Act 2004 and subsequently changes to the statutory responsibilities for child death reviews.
The responsibility for ensuring child death reviews are carried out is now held by the "child death review partners", who, in relation to a local authority area in England, are defined as the local authority (LA) for that area and any clinical commissioning groups (ICB) operating in the LA area.
The CDR partners must make arrangements to carry out child death reviews and these arrangements should result in the establishment of a CDOP or equivalent, to review the deaths of all children normally resident in the relevant local authority area, and if they consider it appropriate, the deaths in that area of non-resident children. The CDOP should cover a geographical footprint that enables it to typically review at least 60 child deaths per year.
In order to comply with the statutory guidance the CDR partners for the following localities have agreed to establish one CDOP to cover their combined geographical footprint:
North Tyneside
South Tyneside
This CDOP, known as the North and South of Tyne CDOP, will typically review at least 60 deaths per year which will better enable thematic learning in order to identify potential safeguarding or local health issues that could be modified in order to protect children from harm and, ultimately, save lives.
The CDOP will carry out its functions mindful of the potential impact upon the bereaved family and in accordance with the CDR Statutory Guidance (opens new window). The CDOP is the final assurance point once all multi-agency information has been collected, collated and analysed at a local level via the Child Death Review Meeting and professionals who have known the child and family, including the key worker.
In preparation for the establishment of one CDOP the ICBs commissioned eCDOP to support them in the collation of information and learning.
A working group was established across the 6 LA areas and developed a comprehensive implementation plan which covers:
The Child Death Overview Panel must prepare a report annually outlining the work that they have undertaken and most importantly, lessons learned and actions taken to reduce future harm to children.