Useful organisations
Links for local and national organisations that can provide additional guidance.
Local links
Gateshead Council
Northumbria Police (opens new window)
North East North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) (opens new window)
Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust (opens new window)
Cumbria, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (opens new window)
Gateshead College (opens new window)
Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service (opens new window)
Healthwatch Gateshead (opens new window)
National Probation Service (opens new window)
South Tyneside Foundation Trust (opens new window)
Oasis Community Housing (opens new window)
Gateshead Older People's Assembly (opens new window)
Citizens Advice Gateshead (opens new window)
Connected Voice (opens new window)
National links
Samaritans (opens new window)
Action on Elder Abuse (opens new window)
Age UK (opens new window)
Women's Aid (opens new window)
Alcohol Change (opens new window)
Drinkaware (opens new window)
Suzy Lamplugh Trust (opens new window)
Relate (opens new window)
MIND (opens new window)
Mental Health Concern (opens new window)
Dignity in Care (opens new window)
Citizens Advice Bureau (opens new window)
Stop Loan Sharks (opens new window)
Telephone Preference Service (opens new window)
Care Quality Commission (opens new window)
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) (opens new window)
Equality and Human Rights Commission (opens new window)
Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (opens new window)
Victim Support (opens new window)
Hope for Justice (opens new window)
External publications
Keeping safe online (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)
CQC Learning from safety incidents (opens new window)
SCIE Safeguarding Adults: Sharing Information (PDF, 473 KB)(opens new window)
NICE Quick Guides (opens new window)
Safeguarding in general dental practices (opens new window)
Why use the Mental Capacity Act? (PDF, 445 KB)(opens new window)
Gateshead Local Safeguarding Adults Board Please note that this is for further information about the Safeguarding Adults Board only. If you are concerned that someone is at risk of, or experiencing, abuse or neglect please contact Adult Social CareContact us
First Floor
Civic Centre