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The Gateshead Safeguarding Children Partnership (GSCP) and Gateshead Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) have a comprehensive multi-agency training programme for partner agencies operating in Gateshead.

From 1 April 2025, the co-ordination of the training programme will move from Gateshead Council Workforce Development to the Partnership Safeguarding Unit. A new learning platform will be available in Spring 2025 which will enable users to access information and book training for both Adults and Children's multi-agency training. Until this launches, any training taking place from 1 April onwards can be booked now via Microsoft Forms.

Training available from 1 April which is now bookable via Microsoft Forms:

An Introduction to Narrative Practice16 April 2025 and 22 September 20259.30am to 4.30pmBook now (opens new window)
Effective Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups 9 June and 15 September 20259.30am to 3.30pmBook now (opens new window)
Risk Outside the Home (ROTH) Conferences 14 April and 19 May 20259.30am to 2pmBook now (opens new window)
Sex Work, Survival Sex and Sexual Exploitation18 June 20259.30am to 4.30pmBook now (opens new window)

E-Learning modules remain available, providing free access to a wide range of courses. These can be completed any time and at the users own pace. Self-register and enrol using the online form (opens new window).

Partner agencies operating in Gateshead are also able to access training facilitated/commissioned by the Community Safety Board and co-ordinated by Gateshead Council Workforce Development. See the Community Safety Board Training Programme (opens new window)

Voluntary, Community, Social Enterprise (VCSE) Training

The SAB and GCSP have developed a bespoke training programme for representatives of the VCSE sector to increase knowledge and understanding of both adults and children's safeguarding.

The training places a stronger focus on curiosity, signs of abuse and neglect, consent and how to make referrals or signpost individuals appropriately. It also gives information, advice and guidance on the specific roles and responsibilities of voluntary organisations and their trustees in relation to safeguarding.

Five sessions have been arranged over the coming 12 months, which will be delivered face to face across Gateshead supporting easier access to the sessions for those working out in the West, South and East of the borough. The work compliments the provision of safeguarding training provided by Connected Voice which is delivered online and via e-learning.

VCSE Training 2024/ 25 (PDF, 95 KB)

Safeguarding Adult training resources

There are two national competency frameworks available to support organisations to determine minimum training requirements with respect to Safeguarding Adults. These are guides and do not replace contractual arrangements between commissioners and providers. It is acknowledged that some employers may require certain staff groups to be trained to a higher level.

Intercollegiate Document - Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff (PDF, 438 KB)

Bournemouth Standards (PDF, 1 MB)

ME Learning: New!

Working with the eLearning training platform Me-Learning, anyone in Gateshead that wishes to, has the ability to access training from work or home at a time that suits you.

To complete any of the 11 free e-learning courses, self-register and enrol using the online form (opens new window).

Courses are delivered in easily manageable 'chunks' and can be paused and completed in your own time. These are intended to ensure that as many people as possible in Gateshead who wish to, have access to safeguarding training, and complement our wider offer for our safeguarding partners.

In addition to the standard courses (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window), Me-Learning now also hosts 6 short online courses developed by Gateshead. These are:

  • Responding to Allegations of Abuse Against Professionals/Volunteers who work with Children
  • Beginners Children Safeguarding
  • Beginners Adult Safeguarding
  • Safeguarding Adults Reporting Concerns 
  • An Introduction to Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) Children
  • An Introduction to Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) Adults

To complete any of the following e-learning courses, self register and enrol using the online form.


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